Welcome to the FBadsLAB Affiliate Program

Read this information carefully before joining this program.

You agree that you are NOT allowed to do the following things if approved for the affiliate program. By doing any of the following, you may be terminated from the program and agree that any commissions will be forfeited without recourse:

1. You must NOT run "negative" PPC or Iframe domain campaigns such as "Product name / author name scam" or any other method to attract controversial click through rates that an ordinary person would deem to portray a negative view of the product. This creates a very bad image for our company and the individuals featured in the products and you will be terminated from the program instantly.

2. You cannot earn commission on your own purchase.  Any 'self' purchase commission will be nullified. You need 2 sales before commissions are paid and a minimum of $10 to trigger the first payment.

3. You are not permitted to use any domain names containing the words Jennifer Sheahan, Jen Sheahan, Jen Sheehan, Jennifer Sheehan, PPCMom, Digital Ads Lab, FBadsLAB, FBadLABS, or FBadsLABS.

4. You must never setup websites or release press releases that impersonate Jennifer Sheahan or FBadsLAB. It must be clear to the visitor that the site is not an official FBadsLAB or Jennifer Sheahan owned website. 

5. You must never use FAKE testimonials or FAKE news sites or anything false when promoting our offers. 

Things you CAN do (subject to change without notice - please check back here regularly)

6. Paid traffic campaigners may bid on any keywords including the product names and author names as long as you agree that these trademarks and product names are the property of FBadsLAB and you are only using them under agreement. This agreement maybe revoked at any time.

7. iFrames, review sites and cloaked domains are permitted as long as they do not contain offensive or negative domain URLs. You should disclose that you are making a commision and that your site is an independent site.

General Information
Email: *
Re-Type Email: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
Address 2:
City: *
State/Province: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Country: *
Phone: *
Make Checks Payable To: *
Password: *
Re-Type Password: *
* indicates a required field

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