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Written Testimonials

“Nanacast.com allowed me to go from 'winging it' to having long term profitable partnerships. This wouldn't have been possible without having the platform as my all-in-one, step-by-step solution. I use it for e-commerce, affiliate management, product delivery, viral marketing, podcasting and unlimited membership site creation. Confusing scripts are a thing of my past."”
Scott Lundergan, VideoProducerOnline.com
“I have just made the switch to Nanacast. I wish I had done this 2 years ago”
Lance Kading
“I tested shopping carts for 6-7 months and spent well over $10k doing it... NONE do what Nanacast does. It does everything we wanted... automatic affiliates, link to physical fulfillment, link to icontact, upsells and downsells, 1 click upsells, timed content release etc. It does it all.”
David Frey, MarketingBestPractices.com
“We wouldn't dare operate without Nanacast. We spent over 3 years looking for the best way to integrate multiple websites, membership sites, and manage affiliates under one centralized e-umbrella. There's practically nothing you can't do with this system. Automation, without scripts, at it's best !”
Barry Goss & Heather Vale Goss, LWLMedia.com
“What a robust solution you guys have created. This thing is spectacular.”
Chris Simeral, TheAuthorsedge.com
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