Earn 61 PDUs for your PMP and/or PMI-ACP Renewal.

Agile Prepcast
PM Prepcast

The PM PrepCast™ 60 PDU Bundle

The PM PrepCast™ 60 PDU Bundle is a course that awards you 61 PDUs you need to maintain your PMP and/or PMI-ACP credentials. Earn PDUs anytime, anywhere - on your phone, tablet, or PC. Just press play.


What is included in the bundle?

The PM PrepCast™ 60 PDU Bundle is comprised of two products, The Agile PrepCast for PDUs and The PM PrepCast for PDUs. Each product awards you 30.5 PDUs.


Recommended for:

The PM PrepCast™ 60 PDU Bundle is recommended for those who are looking for a complete solution to renew their PMP and/or PMI-ACP certifications.

How to order with PayPal?

Select "PayPal" as your order method in the form below.

What will happen next?

When you click the button below, your purchase will be processed through our secure payment gateway. After you complete the purchase, you will be granted 1-year access to the course, and a video with access instructions will be displayed. We'll also send these instructions to you via email.

Note: Yahoo, Hotmail & Gmail users -- please add support@pm-prepcast.com to your address book before ordering. Check your spam folder, just in case...

Publisher Contact Info OSP International LLC

OSP International LLC
8502 E Chapman Ave
Suite 349
Orange, CA 98269

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